christmas 2011 part 2

Christmas is all over. It never really felt like Christmas to start with, it was weird.
But, I thought I’d share a few things I got.
First I forgot to mention that we got a new bench/trunk for the end of our bed, and a sofa table for the living from my aunt. Both much needed!
Here’s my pic of some of what Chase got me from Christmas morning:

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He also had me two prints made of pics he’s taken of Indy:

My parents got us a lot of stuff, I got the Harry Potter bluray set, the behind the scenes book (its huge), more dvds, a sims expansion, puzzles, a scarf, and money for our trip!

Speaking of puzzles, I will be busy for a while:

And Ash made this for me:

How cute is that? Going to put it up in the kitchen.

eta: I forgot one of my pics!
Here’s some more things Chase got me.

He also got me a ipad stylus, which I’ve been doodling with. I like it! Takes some getting used to, though!